Students must come to school on time. Late comers can enter school only with the permission of the principal.
Hand Book must be brought to school every day duly signed by the parents.
Books, note-books and files required for the class must be brought to school according to the Time Table. Books and note books should be wrapped properly.
English is our Campus Language and languages other than English can be used for communication only in language classes.
Sharpening pencils, filling ink etc. must be done before the teacher enters the class. Classrooms must be kept clean.
Students should care for the school property. Any damage to school property will be fined.
Possessing electronic gadgets (such as cell phones, iPods, CDs etc.), toys, sharp objects like steel/iron scales and other objects which may cause physical injury is prohibited in the school campus.
Students must pay due respect to fellow students, teachers and all elders in the school campus.
not indulge in physical violence.
Must pay attention to class and must not distract others in class.